About The Artist

Hi, I’m Grace! I am a watercolorist and botanist based in Philadelphia. Currently I am a full time PhD student studying plant biology at the University of Pennsylvania. Outside of my research, I like to spend time identifying trees and plants, exploring the woods, and of course, painting! 

I would place my artistic style right at the intersection of biology and watercolor realism, just where I like it. As a passionate plant biologist and artist, I try capture both the beauty and scientific accuracy of my natural subjects. I am most interested in creating classical botanical studies that illustrate the various anatomical features of a specimen, much like the depictions you see in a field guide. I also enjoy painting nature scenes that are of personal significance to me.

I spent my youth on a small farm in eastern Pennsylvania, owned by my grandparents who operated a plant nursery and Christmas tree farm. This special place heavily influenced my interest horticulture and turned my attention towards the field of biology. I lived in Oregon for five years, where I earned my B.Sc. in botany and B.Sc. in microbiology. The forests of the Pacific Northwest are so incredibly lush and magnificent, and I was quickly drawn to the native flora as subjects for my paintings. Upon returning to PA for graduate school, I began to produce prints of my work and sell them at local craft shows. One of my goals for 2025 is to open an online store on this website where prints and originals can be purchased. Until then, please email me at graceobrienart@gmail.com inquire about available prints, originals, or commission work. Thank you so much for being here, and I greatly appreciate you!

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